Privacy & cookie statement

All personal data collected by CCM will be processed in a manner that complies with the General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR) as from 25 May 2018. In the text below you can read how CCM handles privacy related data with respect to its website and its database of business relations, customers and projects.


CCM uses cookies on this website. In the text below you can see which cookies we use and for what purpose.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a simple small file that is sent with pages from this website [and/or Flash applications] and stored by your browser on your hard drive from your computer. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers on a subsequent visit.

The information collected by CCM and/or third parties, for example by means of cookies, can be used for the following purposes:

  • Analytical purposes: to analyse the use of the website of CCM.
    For example: it is possible to keep track of how many visitors visit a particular web page, so that CCM knows which parts of its website are popular.
  • Social media purposes: to share information via social media.
  • Personalisation purposes: to provide visitors with information that is as relevant as possible.


We try to adapt our site to every visitor as much as possible.

Use of permanent cookies

With the help of a permanent cookie we can recognise you during a new visit to our website. The website can therefore be specially tailored to your preferences. Also if you have given permission for the placing of cookies, we can remember this by means of a cookie. Because of this you do not have to repeat your preferences so you save time and can make a better use of our website. You can delete permanent cookies via the settings of your browser.

Switching cookies on and off and deleting them

Via the browser settings on your computer you can delete already placed cookies and refuse the placing of new cookies. The way how differs per browser. If necessary, consult the help function of your browser. Disabling cookies only affects the computer and browser on which you perform this operation. If you use multiple computers and/or browsers, you must repeat this operation as often as necessary. More detailed information about the management of cookies with specific web browsers can be found on the websites of browsers such as:

  • Internet explorer
  • Firefox
  • Google chrome
  • Safari

The personal data processed by us are not kept longer than necessary. If you wish to inspect the personal data processed by us, you can contact us. We will then inform you as soon as possible which data will be processed by us.

Customer database/projects
CCM General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Statement:
CCM only keeps a record of its business relations and customer’s personal data regarding name, position, email-address and telephone number. This information is used for project and/or company related technical and/or commercial communication.
Only CCM management have access to this database.

Do you have questions about our privacy statement? Please email us on

This Privacy & Cookie Statement was last modified on: 1 Februari 2021